GoSignMeUp Admin Help GuideEmailsE-mail A CourseHow Do I Email a Course From the Dashboard

How Do I Email a Course From the Dashboard

This help guide will show you how to email a course from the Actions area in the Course Grid/Dashboard

1. In the Actions area click on "Email Course"

2. This is the Email Course Pop-Up

3. Email Course Top

Here you can choose which students will get an email. Checking the box next to their name will include them in the list. You can also Check the box at the very top to automatically select all of the students in the course.

Note: The email will not be sent to anyone whose name is not marked. If no users are marked, no email will be sent.

4. Email Course Bottom

Reply To: You can choose the email address that students will see as the Reply To option if they reply to this email. It can either be your own admin email address, or the main email address that is listed in the system. This is the Reply to For the Confirmation emails

To:/CC: You can add additional addresses to be sent to or be CC'd in the email.

Subject/Message: Type in your subject and the email message that you want to put in.
Do not copy anything from Microsoft Word. 
MS Word displays special characters in its own way that certain email programs can not read and will corrupt your data. 
Copying from a simple text editor is fine, such as NotePad. You can edit the text however you like, keep in mind not all email clients display HTML, it might think it is spam. You can add attachments as well to the email. We recommend a maximum of 5MB total.

Sending: You can choose to email now or add it to a queue list that will go out in the middle of the night. The reason for this option is that emailing a high number of users will cause the system to slow down. You can send them out at night to avoid any disruption. Attachments greatly affects the slowness as well. Emailing over 50 users will automatically queue the emails to send out at night as that many emails would slow the system down.

5. Show Queue List

You can see the emails that are in the queue to be sent out that night. You can cancel them if you wish.


If you have any additional questions please email us at [email protected]