How Do I Create an Event?

This Lesson will show you how to create an event

To create an event, go to Courses -> Add/Edit Events/Sessions

Then Add an Event

This is also where you can add/edit sessions to events. Or edit the events, once they have been created.

This is the Add Event page. You can choose Categories to add the event to.

Main Category and Sub Category


You can add an event name, number, description.

You can choose the start and end time of the event. For example, the event can start on a Friday at 8:00 am and end Sunday at 8:00 pm for a weekend event.


Choose a location for the event. You would have to add the location to the system first. See How Do I Add/Edit a Location for more information.

Fill in all required information and hit submit

After you finish filling out all of the required information for the event, click on submit at the bottom.

Your event is created. Now you can add sessions to your event.

The most important thing to realize for events is that there are 3 levels. Courses go inside Sessions, which go Inside Events. So Events > Sessions > Courses.

To add a session, fill out the required information and click on submit.

You can choose a session name and number. Make sure the session date is inside the event. For example, maybe all day Saturday could be a session.

You can add additional sessions, or add courses to the event.

When you are adding courses, you can choose the event and session that they will belong to.

For more information about how to create courses, see How Do I Add a Course.

This option will show whenever you go to create a course. So if you want to add a course to a session/event later on, just go to add a course, then choose the correct event and session.

Make sure the dates for the courses will be during the session that they belong to.

This is what the Classic event will look like to the public.

There is one event, within the event are sessions. And within each session is courses that the students will take.

This is what the Ruby event will look like to the public.