How Do I Add a Course in the Administrator Portal

This guide will show how to create a course in the admin portal.

Select 'Add A Course' From the Navigation Bar

Select 'Add A Course' to open a form for adding a new course.

Fill in Course Information (Add a Course)

1) Select this box to make your course internal, or hidden from the public.

2) Enter a Main and Sub category to put the course in. The public will be able to see and find the course in these categories. You may enter a new category or pick from previously used categories. More categories may be added or removed using the + and - buttons to the left.

3) Enter any alphanumeric code to identify the course.

4) Enter any name for the course. You may enter a new name or pick from previously used names.

5) Enter a description of the course.

6) Adds course materials and teachers to this course. This is not required to create a class.

Fill in Course Information (Course Date)

Enter all the days and times that the course meets. -Note- Online Course means that the course does not meet on specific days or times, and instead gives participants a time range to complete the course. If a course is online but still meets at specific times and dates, do not use the Online Course option.

Fill in Course Information (Credits)

Enter all the relevant information on the credits that participants will receive once they finish the course.

Fill in Course Information (Location)

Enter the location of the course. If the course is online, you may enter in a website address/link instead.

Fill in Course Information (Contact Info)

Add contact information for the course. 

Fill in Course Information (Pricing)

1) Add pricing for non-members.

2) Add pricing for members.

3) Add pricing for any other categories of members. -Note- There will be more tabs for each type of member added to the system. All tabs must have a price to create the course.

4) Makes course price visible before entering the cart.

Fill in Course Information (Other)

1) Enter the maximum number of people that can take the course.

2) Enter the maximum number of people that can be on the wait list.

3) Choose surveys for participants and instructors to take before or after courses, if any.

4) Choose an image to display on the public course view. This will be seen when people browse courses.

5) Add signatures to the course. They can be added by clicking on the '+' buttons to their right.

6) Enter any additional text to send out with the confirmation email.

7) Press 'Add Course' button to finish creating the course.



You Have Now Added a Course

If you do not see this dialog, check to make sure all fields with a * are filled in. If you see this dialog appear, you have successfully added a course. From here you have a couple options.

1) Add another course. This will generate another empty course creation form.

2) Go to the new course in the course dashboard to review the course information.

3) Duplicate the course, making it easier to make a similar course by editing only differing fields in the copied course.

If you have any questions or concerns please contact us at [email protected]